Monica has decided to take up running after a gap of over a decade, so I have a guaranteed running partner for at least 1 or 2 days a week if our schedules mesh. She has to deal with a reconstructed ACL so running is a bit of new venture for her, one she's taking carefully but with gusto. We started with a few run/walk ventures until she could run a full 5K without stopping several times; we've since gone up to 4 miles. Our most common route is from the house to the Charles River and up or down a few bridges, which has been my regular morning routine for a while. Until now I've never run that route with someone else; it's different when you're having a conversation the whole time.
When I started running I ran mostly alone, or with someone who was a much more experienced runner than I, like Al, Robyn or Mimi. They would guide me with suggestions on stride, pace, stretching, etc and just keep me moving in the right direction. Now someone is looking to me for the same kind of advice and I feel like I actually know what I'm talking about. We went through the shoe buying process, getting the right running clothes, training plans, and we're looking at signing up for her first 5K. It feels like I'm going through the introduction to running all over again.
It has reminded me that I need to set a new goal and create my own plan to achieve it. Right now I don't have a particular race or distance that I want to work on, although I'm very interested in more trail running. Time to bring up CoolRunning Event Calendar and start looking for something interesting.
When I started running I ran mostly alone, or with someone who was a much more experienced runner than I, like Al, Robyn or Mimi. They would guide me with suggestions on stride, pace, stretching, etc and just keep me moving in the right direction. Now someone is looking to me for the same kind of advice and I feel like I actually know what I'm talking about. We went through the shoe buying process, getting the right running clothes, training plans, and we're looking at signing up for her first 5K. It feels like I'm going through the introduction to running all over again.
It has reminded me that I need to set a new goal and create my own plan to achieve it. Right now I don't have a particular race or distance that I want to work on, although I'm very interested in more trail running. Time to bring up CoolRunning Event Calendar and start looking for something interesting.